Friday, 22 July 2016

Finding an audience- advise please


So todays post is more of ask for help more than anything.

I may of briefly explained this before but basically iv'e started doing this thing as a way of potentially getting into professional writing as a career (which I have a degree in.)

I'm currently on the dole (as well as working a part time weekend job) and I have spoken to my advisor about getting into writing via this thing called the New Enterprise Scheme, which is a route to self employment on the grounds that it can proven to be financially stable.

I have already spoken with someone from the NEA once and they basically told me that although the idea was fine they cannot yet put me through because I do not currently have an audience who I can work for, as the way this thing works is that it has o realistically achieved within eight weeks.

I told my advisor this and she said it was fair enough and she would quite gladly put me through for it again on the condition that I can build up a following and the reason I have started this blog is because I figured that this is the way to get into writing today.

When I went to see her last week she said that if this is going to happen then I need to start working on it properly quickly. I agreed to blog everyday as opposed to whenever I feel like it, which I have been doing this week.

The only thing is, although I am aware that it will take time, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what are the best ways to get building up a following quicker.

I have started to embrace the world of social media slightly by making use of a twitter account and following people who I think may be within my demographic. I have noticed that a couple of my blog posts have had some views but its really not much.

I know some of the posts I've done probably could have been a bit better and it should b noted that they have been written in a bit of a rush.

So what I would like to know is- does anybody have any good advice for me how to really get this thing going and maybe some tips on how to make a blog stand out and get peoples attention along with any other kind of general advice as it would be much appreciated.

Thank You


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